“The True Heart
is like the sun,
radiantly shining
on everyone.”




From my earliest years, my soul has been calling me Home − to Truth, to Love, to God. I have devoted my life to spiritual service, offering the gifts that God has given me for the healing of the world.

At the age of four, I began to paint and draw, enchanted by the beauty of the natural world. By studying nature and taking photographs, I taught myself how to see. My stories are written with vivid clarity as seen through the eyes of an artist.

Growing up in an environment of suppression and emotional abuse, I embarked on a path of self-healing. I discovered releasing buried emotions unleashes untapped power held dormant in our wounds. Confronting the challenges of chronic illness, I studied emerging healing modalities that changed my life in amazing ways.

My life journey has been blessed with the companionship of many wonderful cats, so dear to my heart, masters of the art of living. I see animals as guides and teachers to assist humanity's awakening.

The sudden death of my cat Tiger became the catalyst that initiated my writing career. To heal my grief and honor his life, I wrote Cats Can Save the World and published The Princess of Freedom. A past life regression became the impetus for writing Angel of Auschwitz. By accessing my soul memory, I was able to recall in vivid detail my lifetime as Natasza Pelinski, a Jewish girl who became a healer at a Nazi concentration camp.

Throughout my life, I have struggled to “fit in” with the culture of the people around me. The measured world of clocks and hours seems at odds with my inner sense of timing and natural way of being. I wrote The Time Doctor Takes a Vacation as an exploration of our experience of time, and to develop our powers of visualization to create the future.

My current home is Ashland, Oregon, where I volunteer to serve the community in a variety of projects. I dedicate my life to opening human hearts, healing the Earth, and awakening all souls to God’s Eternal Love. The beauty of our natural world inspires me to live in gratitude and realize the oneness and wonder of life.

Music I love: Native American flute
Eloiwa deFreitas, Heaven's Breath of Morn from "Sweet Serenity." © 2004


Tarra Light 2018


"Tarra Light is an author of great vision and creativity. She brings much compassion and understanding to every character in her books. She helps to open her readers’ hearts and minds to new possibilities for healing our relationships, our communities, and our entire planet."

— Avram Sacks, Spiritual Counselor, Ashland, Oregon

